Send a Kid to Youth Camp

June 29, 2013  |   Blog   |     |   0 Comment

This year, Build A Village is sponsoring a youth to go to youth camp.   See this youth’s touching story requesting assistance here:


“Yes, well. My name is J.F.. The reason why I couldn’t pay for camp myself is because well my dad is on disability and only gets a certain amount per month on the 3rd of every month and after we pay bills and get stuff for my house we have zero dollars let. We don’t even have a car right now and on top of that my dad has CML Leukemia. I would really like to go to youth camp this coming Monday. If you could help me out, all I can say is thanks.”

The cost for registration is $170. Please help us to send this young man to youth camp by clicking the link on our main page to Donate!

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