“Women Embracing Each Other”, held on May 18, 2013 was a great success

June 02, 2013  |   Blog   |     |   0 Comment

BAV brought several beautiful ladies together as one uniform team. The companionship, friendship, love, agreement, relaxation and comfort with this group of women was built on trust, as they discussed their businesses, growth in their careers and new initiatives to move upward in their lives.  The ladies all had enjoyable time at the meeting, laughing and embracing each other.  

We at BAV would like to thank each and every lady for attending the event; we appreciate your support and look forward to you attending other meetings in the future. BAV realize many other women were not able to attend the event due to other obligations, you were all missed.  We look forward to having our next event soon.  

BAV wants to give a big thank you to our “CHEF” that prepared the food.  What a great meal!  We look forward to you and your team preparing more meals for our upcoming events.   In addition, BAV would like to thank our two “SPEAKERS” that gave the ladies some meaningful information to use in their personal and professional aspects of their lives.   You both were Amazing!  The ladies are still chatting about the film.   What a great presentation you both gave.

Once again, thank you Ladies, Chef and Presenters.   Please continue to help BAV move forward within our community to touch each and everyone we can. 

Thank you all for your Support!


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